Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Hello Everyone,
If you are the beginners to PHP, then this blog will help if up to some extent. 
Here i have develop a simple example to start up which include basic CURD(Create, Update, Read and Delete) operation with Database "mysql".

At first create a database, in this example i have created a database "testing"

Code for database connection in php
save it as dbConncection.php

Now create index.html and paste following code

In above code i have used some CSS and Javascript.
Now create login.php In this page i will show how to start session.

Create home.php and paste following code

Here is the code for delete.php

Here is code for Edit At first we have create a form here i have created as editForm.php

Now create edit.php and paste following code

For Adding new user (click on Add user) First create a from to insert new user i have named as insertDemo.php

Now Create insert.php paste following code

Here is the code for logout.php

Was this tutor helpful??? Please comment...

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Example to Make Pyramid according to user input in java


Enter Any Number::3